Saturday, September 21, 2024

Winner's Circle

A long, long time ago, I took a look at the Milton Bradley Win-A-Card Game that focused on the cards included with this esoteric bit of Topps history. I won't rehash all of that here but to note the special sheet of 132 cards Topps printed up for the game have caused much confusion in the 55-plus years since it was available on store shelves.

Some better scans of the game board and box have since popped up and I figured they were worth sharing.  We've seen most of the game board before but this is a decidedly better look at it:

It's quite colorful and you can see the attraction of the concept to Milton Bradley, all they had to do was print up some cardboard and affix a plastic spinner then adding a gaggle of cards from Topps.  

What I didn't have available last time out was the inside of the box cover, which had the rules:

I'll embiggen each column and diagram for clarity:

Said Diagram #1 can be seen here:

If you're having a TL;DR moment right now, it's OK.  For the rest of you, let's soldier on:

And Diagram #2 for your viewing pleasure:

I'm getting to TL;DR-land myself-yikes!  Now for the concluding prose:

It's pretty obvious to me (and I'll bet to my readers too) why the game didn't take off-if you were a kid you would just get together with some friends and flip cards without the rigmarole!

Might as well conclude with the indicia present at the end of the rules:

This product was all the result of a bit of overthinking by Topps and Milton Bradley I'd say, but they did leave behind a really cool collectible!

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