Saturday, January 24, 2015

Placement Service

BFF o'the Archive Jeff Shepherd passed along an old ad featuring an item from my favorite confectioner a short time ago. Sometime in the 1940's the Bakelite Corporation (really Union Carbide) took out a trade ad featuring an old Topps Gum display.  I think it looks pretty cool as the colors of the Topps display and gum really stand out:

Bakelite was essentially an early form of plastic, a bit more brittle than the stuff we are used to today. Shep says it's the first time he's seen one of these displays other than in darker colors.

Here's a better look at the Topps display:

Here is one of the aforementioned darker displays:

That display was auctioned along with the other type of counter display used by Topps, the round canister:

All these displays date from around 1946-47 I would say as the canister has a 1946 copyright.

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