Saturday, September 22, 2012

RIP Friend

I found out last night that my longtime online friend and fellow blogger Chris Stufflestreet passed away suddenly on September 19th and am saddened almost beyond words.  Just about everyone in the online collecting community knew Chris, who was a gentle, friendly soul. I finally got to meet him at this year's National, where he was working at Irv Lerner's booth and had a couple of nice conversations with him. Here is a picture of him from what I presume is the 2010 or '11 National, with his daughter Melissa, taken (I think) by Brian Terjung:

His life revolved around his daughter and he was the ultimate proud daddy. He is also survived by his mother.

Chris maintained a number of blogs, some on the hobby and some on music.  Here are links to his two sportscards blogs:

And his two music blogs:

He would write ahead and then have automatic posts,publish every couple of days so some of his writing looks like he is still with us right now.  Perhaps that is as it should be.....  RIP buddy.......


  1. He was good man. I'm sorry to hear about his passing. Read the 73 blog and was a treat every mon-wed-fri.

  2. How come he is still posting blogs?
