Topps did try to market a Chiclets style mint gum in the early 1950's (as did a number of other manufacturers) but caught caught on the wrong end of two lawsuits and had to change their packaging. This old matchbook shows how their packaging originally looked, around 1951:

Topps packaging definitely mimicked that of Chiclets:
Another attempt was made from what I can tell and a redesigned package resulted:
That particular style of Topps logo was not one that lasted any great amount of time, nor was their time as as a seller of gum "nuggets, as the small pieces are referred to in the trade anything special. They did however, manage to hang on long enough to market this type of gum in Argentina in 1970 or thereabouts:
Topps would often sell products in South America that had run their course or been discontinued in the U.S. Usually this involved trading cards but for at least one product, the gum is what was repurposed.
1 comment:
Wow the Topps gum pack really looks like a rip-off of chicklets. Was that intentional?
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