I remember watching a lot of EK's jumps on TV when I was a kid. Here is a vintage shot of Evel popping a wheelie prior to a jump:

Evel was all over the news in the early 70's, especially for his failed "rocket-cycle" jump of the Snake River Canyon.
Enjoy Jon's writeup as it is well worth your time, as is the rest of his blog which goes far, far beyond Fleer's sticker issues! The only thing I can add is a scan of a card back, from Ebay:

I'll be back with some original stuff next time but this link was just too good not to share.
I really appreciate the kind words about the EK post as well as the blog. The same can be said for the consistently fantastic rare material you post and the great information you provide to collectors.
Sorry I stole your post idea!
Jon, I meant every word and am OK with you "stealing" my brainwave!
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