I'll let our contributor stay anonymous unless he wants the publicity but here are a gold Reggie Jackson:

and a Silver Steve Garvey:

To quote Homer J. Simpson "oooh, shiny!"
You can clearly see now that the Carew coin featured previously is of the "bronze" variety, as is the other Reggie. Bronze looks to be the poor stepsister to the gold and silver, it's luster is faded compared to the other two. I have to say the gold looks real sharp.
We remain at three players in the known checklist and now have all three metals accounted for. Perhaps one of the "holed" versions will show up i my mailbox someday. I also wonder if all players come in all metals or not. More data is needed but that might be tough with these bad boys.
1 comment:
Ah...one of my long, long, longtime wantlist items! The Steve Garvey coin!
I'd love it if you passed my information on to the owner.
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