Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Check Is In The Mail

Some business to take care of today folks, namely financial business. Friend o'the Archive David Eskenazi has been sending across a steady diet of Topps esoterica and the items on display here today are about as off-the-wall as you can get.

Before the advent of apps such as Concur and iExpense, corporate expense accounts had to be filled out by hand.  I'm old enough to remember such things and I'm sure some smaller places still do it manually. Back in the day, I had to submit mine on a monthly basis.  At Topps, it was weekly:

I'm sure Topps had sales personnel either out on the road from HQ on a regular basis plus guys who were always in the field wherever their assigned regions were.  Either way, you had to keep your receipts and stuff 'em all in an envelope:

After sweating out the review of the carefully prepared "swindle sheet" by your boss and getting the all-important sign-off from "Financial Paralysis" (as we sometimes called it), a reimbursement check would appear in a week or so.  I don't have an expense check example from Topps but suspect they were mailed out in this style of envelope to anyone in the field:

Twenty cents for postage-it just went to seventy-three cents the other day-yikes!

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